Woozworld might be Changing their Name???

So there has been plenty of rumours going on with woozworld changing their name. Although I dont have any idea why but here what some people "have heard" the woozbands say in real life and  apparently some hackers hacked into their files and said alot about changing their name and stuff....

"DECEMBER 2014, name will be changing to.." They could not get the full sentence which is caused by the security of woozworld. However, rumours has it that the new name will be begining with B. I was thing Beexworld? that be real weird lol!

"New html 80% done for woozworld. Melanie, make sure to change email for contact@woozworld.com" This has been some of an email to Melanie, the contact@woozworld.com replier. Will they change it to like, contact@beexworld.com??? I am very confused... And a new html!! so like they will have to change everything with woozworld on it.

I do not own these emails and messages!! I have heard this from my friend, her parent's friends sister or something knows somebody who works in woozworld so please don't give me hate or anything. This is what my friend's parent's friend's sister said to my friend (so confusing) 

 "I heard that the game you play might be changing their name?? what is it? Woozworld? My friend works at woozworld, or like has a close relation to it, has heard that is going to be something going on with the woozworld name"